How to use Summoners War Bot

It is necessary to place the Magic shop in the middle of Main island (accuracy up to a pixel is not important).
Do not move the camera away from island or zoom in. The easiest way to reset the camera to default settings is to restart the game.
If the bot does not find the Magic shop it will restart the game.

A good example when there is nothing extra placed on the Main island

Allows to farm Giant / Dragon / Necropolis
Allows to farm Rift of Worlds
Allows to farm Essensces
Completes ToA using auto battle. SW bot does not choose Normal/Hard mode and farms the one that was selected last time
Allows you to combine other modes in one for more convenient management of "Daily schedule"
Find more information in the following tab "Compound Mode"
Allows to farm RTA. Mobs are selected in order (there may be gaps), a first mob or random one is selected as a leader, ban happens randomly and battle is held on auto mode
World Boss
Fights with the World Boss. Runes are sold on the same filters as in Cairos
Allows to farm fodder in scenarios. SW Bot is able to replace max-level mobs to another fodder independently.
ATTENTION: SW Bot replaces only max-level mobs, empty cells cannot be left at the start of the farm
Rift Raid
Coming soon... Now Hydras farm is located in a separate tab
Dimension Hole
Allows to farm Secondary Awakenings and Ancient Runes
Restart game
Restarts games
Pause game
Makes a pause in the farm for a specified period of time while turning off the game at that time
If you enable Magic Shop/ Arena checkboxs SW Bot will turn on the game, do the necessary actions and close the game again
Get daily reward
Collects rewards for Daily Missions
Collects mana and crystals on the main island
Makes a wish
Mentioned in the above is a replace for these settings (so that the bot does not spend time on it every time):

Get mana
Make a wish
Send Social Points
Sends social points to friends
Check-In Guild
Checks-in the guild to pick up rewards
Power-Up Rune
Automatically power-ups runes to the specified level. The runes are upgraded through the manager with the last parameters set (Check that "All" is selected or the type you want with the necessary runes slots selected)

The option "Power-Up only 1 rune" allows you to perform a daily rune-up mission: the bot will mark the action as completed after powering-up 1 rune

ATTENTION: At the moment there is no mana check and it is unknown what will happen if the mana run out!!!
Compound Action

Compound mode is needed for convenient management of your "Daily schedule". You can add and combine there any modes like in a regular "Daily schedule"

In the picture above you can see an example of the composite task which is called "Daily". It contains all the actions associated with daily tasks
You can also notice that the "Daily" task contains another nested Compound task for elemental essences

All of this can be done without using Compound Mode. It serves for more convenient visual perception.
Also by turning off the checkbox for the "Daily" task, SW Bot will not perform all the nested actions as well which is very convenient

As you can see all the actions are set at the same time, which does not intervene the Bot. When the bot performs the specified number of repetitions it ignores this action
Coming soon...

It is possible to set notifications to Telegram for the following things:
  • Screenshots of the runes that were kept
  • Completion of fodder farm
  • Alerts about critical situations

To connect your SW Bot to Telegram you need to do the following:
  • In the Bots Menu go to -> Connect to Telegram bot
  • The line that you need to send to Telegram bot is automatically copied to your clipboard
  • Open Telegram bot
  • Paste the data from your clipboard and send it to Telegram bot
  • Response from Telegram bot have to be as folowing: "You registered successfully"

Available commands:
  • /start_farm - Remotely starts the farm on your PC if SW Bot and emulator are running (command execution can take up to 30 seconds)
  • /stop_and_close_game - Remotely stops SW Bot and closes the game (command execution can take up to 30 seconds)